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How to Handle Multi Levels Class

For the reason of class management efficiencies, some of the classes in New Concept English Education Center are managed in multi levels. Well, teaching class of children can be full of joys and distraction but teaching children with a different level of classes offers its own challenges to the teacher. Multi levels class can have different levels of students; it can be from the very beginning level, Pre-School up to the higher ones, elementary, or so on.

On the surface, teaching multi levels class sometimes appears to be overwhelming. Successful multi levels class requires teachers to shift attention from teaching each group of multi level students and also to consider students as individuals, each with his or her own level of learning. Teachers who try to teach grade-specific curriculum to multiple-grade classrooms may become frustrated and often return to same-level class. Teachers who have instituted appropriate instructional strategies, however, find multi levels class to be exhilarating and professionally rewarding. So, what are some teaching strategies that will help teachers to make multi levels class teaching successful? And what should the teachers do?
These are some strategies to maintain class in multi levels:

1. Scheduling (Time Management)

A major key to teaching multi levels class is to maintain the time. We, only have one hour of teaching per class, so it should be managed properly, so that the students can have the same proportion of time. Teachers should make their own schedule to do this. Keeping a schedule makes each group of students knows what to expect. Each day should have time for each grade level to have independent study time, new material presentation time and group time. By keeping the schedule consistent, everyone can stay on task since the students will know what is expected of them.

2. Individual Time

Give each level group individual instruction time. Each level should get some time where the teacher is focused on teaching the other group of students. While the teacher is doing this with one level group of students, the other level should be focused on independent work. By alternating time with each group, the students will stay focused and still have time to learn new material.
3. Combining Teaching
Whenever possible, combine teaching to all students, especially in such subjects such as grammar or tenses. Combining teaching makes the subject more interesting and saves time. Begin the lesson at the level of the lower level. As the teacher expands on the subject, the lower level students may not be able to grasp completely, but it will be a good exposure for next level to come. Assign deeper research work to the higher level students so that they can delve into the subject.
4. Higher to Lower

Building in time for higher level students to aid in the teaching of the lower level one will free teacher’s own time, but also add responsibility to the higher level student's daily tasks. Ask the higher level students to assist to the lower ones, or to spend a certain amount of time helping a the lower level student with his work. The higher level students will learn patience and enjoy the break from their own rigorous studies. This also provides the teacher, a few moments to give more individualized instruction or to prepare for another lesson.


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