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Next Month

Next month, I'm gonna be 23...

Hmmhh, never won't to leave my 22 actually.
Do you know why?? There were a lot of surprises on my 22.

Firstly, there was my b'day wishes a year ago, right in Thursday night, a nite before my b'day and it still becomes a manuscript on my diary.
It's written like this:

"Dear God, I dunno what will happen to me on my 22. All I know that this is my favorite number, the back number of my favorite football player, KAKA (hehehehe). So please don't let me frown all the year, like I used to.

Trully god, I want a change! I just wanna be happy this year! Amien"

I prayed to God before sleep that nite.

I slept dreamlessly, exhausted from beginning my day so early, and sleeping so poorly. Then I was woken by some noise from my cellphone. My dearest friends of course, sent me many b'day messages, Ratna, Cuel, Rio, Tante Tuti, and many. They wished many gud things for me, as if my life's never been in such a weary.

In the morning, after taking a bath, I opened my old wooden wardrobe--surprised when I opened it silently--without hoping who knows how it feels. There was a gift, packed in a pink plastic. I smiled, pleased that he always remembered my b'day and gave such a lil' surprise. White T-shirt on it, and that was the last present from my ex (hehe).

I was happy at that moment, and thanked God to answer my pray.

But what happened next month after it was the most surprising chosen ever. My life was changed. God had answered my pray, I finally found my happiness. I finally found someone that changed my life.

It's so surprising me because I've never expected to be like this before. This is why I never want to leave my 22, the full of surprises, happiness, adventures and dream age.

Kira-kira apa ya yang terjadi on my 23, what happen NEXT MONTH akankah my wishes granted this year??? Hopefully so! E iya, gak bermaksud narsis tapi foto yang di atas itu saya ambil tepat di hari ulang tahun saya setahun yang lalu...


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