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Tomorrow There's No Word

December 31st 2009.

Last day of the year, the mist had almost dissolved by the rooster vote, but the day was still dark with low, oppressing clouds. The Sun hadn't appeared yet but the activities of human on earth in which the Sun always smiled at had just begun in a very early hour. They looked busy, unusually, like they were preparing something. Something important somewhat. Urgently, they undertook everything in a rush.

What's happening?
Alas, they're preparing for the day of tomorrow when there will be no more word in this world! What would happen if tomorrow come without word? What would it be? What would?

The Sun finally rose after all, shyly, smiled at the earth while watching human behaved busily before he came. Well, he looked over there, right in the corner of the city marked as Geneva. The muted light of him on this another cloudy day eventually woke a girl from her sleep. When everybody was strenuously busy, she'd just waken up with her groggy and dazed feeling yet expressionless. Everyone recognized her as a pure-blooded dreamer who liked to sleep a lot to live her dream (lol). But actually, she knew very well that the day of tomorrow will be no word, she never wanted to hail it too anxious instead, like people did.

She gave a damn and said to them in silence, "yuuhuuu, hi! I live on my own lovely dream, who cares anyway if tomorrow comes without word, I never have any access to reality as well as there are words and languages. Haha..." Then, she drew the blanket, continued her sleep.

The Sun laughed at the girl. How silly.

The Sun was now rising about twenty five degree from the horizon, meaning, 9 a.m. already. He won't be called as the Sun if he's not keeping track of human on earth as he watched a man over there with two children around him. He's about to lead his children somewhere by force.

"Dad, where're we going? I have to be at school by now." Yelled one of his kids.
"Of course we're going to school, but not your usual school, at ten minutes we'll arrive at the extraordinary one." Said the man.

The Sun kept watching.

They moved in a rush to a place the man thinking of. Yet, it was a school, the extraordinary one like the man said so. It's a school for mute people where the man thought that the children should learn about the sign language like mute people did. But, look what happened after they had arrived there! A crowded, there's queue, too many people wanted learn the sign language for tomorrow there will be no more word.

The man seemed disappointed.
"Don't worry, there's always be a way off. We will learn how to play charades then!!" said him.
"Dad, don't force yourself too hard. Let me tell you, the word, language, is a system with no positive signs" said the other kid calmly.
"Aha???" The man wrinkled his forehead after all.

Again, the Sun laughed at 'em. How tragic.



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