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Life Twice Over

Cerpen ini saya buat berdasarkan tugas mata kuliah Writing semester tiga (lol)

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, the wind blew hard the whole day. The earth was bathed in tears from the sky. And I was lying outside on the floor of ceramic in front of the closing door, so sleepy but I wasn't able to sleep because it was terrible cold and the grayish black hair of my body couldn't cover me well. I thought I need someone to cuddle me up.

The grass on the ground were wet and mud was everywhere. The growl sound of my stomach was disturbing me a lot. I was starving and I forgot the feeling of a full belly. I didn't even think I could have my feet stood on the solid earth for my weakness. I couldn't exactly remember the last supper i had. To be survived I used to find the meal on the garbage behind the house or to wait the neighbor showed me affection by giving me scrap from their excellent pets.

Ones that saw me in this situation probably responded this way:
'Oh poor you lil Kitty!' or
'Get away from my eyes you're damn dirty cat!!!'
The second one was the more I heard from people who saw me. It was all because of my physical appearance. I was old enough to be called pretty and I was so dirty and scary thin. The dirt around my ears and the sand that came out of my eyes made a human who wanted to touch me disgusted.

But sure I had something to be proud, that was my bright green eyes and my long tail, and also I had a very sharp sense of smell. It could catch the scent of the rats for miles away. Yes I guessed.

Now, I wondered when my Master and the family comeback home. It's been a long time waiting for them. They used to ignore me all the time, never gave me food, never took care of me. Poor me!! They only took advantages of my smell sense and also my damn hunger belly to catch mice in their house.

One day, when there were a lot of mice in the house, they released me in the middle of the night to catch all the mice in their house and I had been in a scrape with the mice for about two hours until three of them were killed. But what happen then, you know what??? I've got a lot of hits in my head. My Master was angry with me because I succeed making the whole house mess up while catching and scraping with the mice.

Seven strikes in my head and nine in my bottom were surely adding the world pain of mine. I felt the world was spinning around in my head. I should've been died but thanks Lord for giving me nine lives so that I was still alive by then.

Although they gave me a place to take shelter for me, my masters were so cruel. They never put me as a member of the family like any pet was. And I had many stories to tell about. The stories of my life, were full of cruel, horrible, and terrible. Life was just something unfair to live in for me. Since I was born it never gave me a chance to enjoy the fresh air that I breath, to taste delicious food, and to feel the warm nice bed to sleep in.

I almost died when the son of my master was mad tome. He was six years old and he had been torturing me during the show he watch on TV. He often called me 'Tom'.
"Hey you noty Tom, come heye!" He said while pulling my tail.
"You've been annoying poor Jerry. You have to take this revenge."
He hit me many times, pulled my tail again and kicked me. I screamed in pain, but no one listening to me. The more I screamed the more I got that tortures. So I screamed in a low voice. It was hard to runaway. I even didn't realize that I was bleeding. I was collapsed for a while but then I woke up again. I was still alive and I knew that my Lord had just took another life of mine.

I didn't know how many lives that left for me in my whole life while all the members of the family were in charge of lessening my life.


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