Than there to look upon the daisy, That for good reason men do name The ‘day’s-eye’ or else the ‘eye of day,’ The Empress, and flower of flowers all. I pray to God good may her befall. ~Chaucer Adalah bunga liar nan tumbuh bergerombol, kecil-kecil dengan warna putih dan nektarnya yang kuning, semarak menghiasi taman dengan kemilau yang mengharmonisasi hijau daun dan alang-alang. Ia selalu ingin bisa seperti mereka yang indah dan anggun menghiasi taman. Ia kemudian hanya bisa tersenyum simpul, tangkai dan kelopaknya berdansa kian kemari tatkala angin semilir meniup kehidupannya yang nyaris sempurna. Chaucer berfilosofi, daisy adalah "the day's eye" matanya hari, matahari. Ia mencuri bentuk Matahari. Bentuknya menyerupai mata sang hari, yang begitu indah menerangi. Tapi di sudut taman ini, ada setangkai Daisy yang merasa kelabu, harapannya kosong. Daisy yang tidak pernah bisa percaya diri, Daisy yang tidak pernah bisa melihat bahwa dirinya sa...
coba di lapangan, mw jngkir balik sesuka hati jg bs... c", )
Why should I stay? What keeps me here? Is there a little hope left here? They say,"there's a hope in every despair". "I have doubt in me; fear is consuming me", I reply. "Don't you know fear? fear that also drove you away, forsaking this cursed place" I say. "Why don't you stay too? Don't you say there's a hope in every despair?", I say again.
"because hope is for you, and life is for us" they say.
One by one, everyone runs away with their life. And here I am, decayed and dying at the corner of this deserted room, letting fear consume me.
the fear is in your heart singing lullaby.. but don't you ever sleep..
do you know why????
she's in love with you because you surrender of her...
As they leave you...
they leave with a "Good" Goodbye...
they must do it this way, do you understand why...?
Wishing you lots of laughter, love and sunshine!
because they had to accept that you could never be with them...