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Showing posts from December, 2009

Talking About Love I Want

I love the love that I want. I want a love that I love. Click here.

I Love, because Love is Wild

Yeah, I love because love is wild. That's my opinion. Tapi Sebenernya apa sih cinta itu? Haha saya menanyakan pertanyaan yang jawabannya mungkin sangat bisa bermacam-macam. Ada yang bilang bahwa cinta itu buta, cinta itu abstrak, cinta itu pertemanan, cinta itu bla bla bla, cinta itu love, love is cinta (hahaha mirip judul film remaja). Lalu apa yang bisa kita ketahui tentang cinta? Mau tahu klik aja disini . Kemudian kenapa saya bilang love is wild? Begini, menurut Plato (eventough I'm not really that Platonic, tp kali ini agak setuju dengan Plato) cinta itu adalah sesuatu yang abstrak. Bagi Plato, yang selalu mengagung-agungkan nilai cinta yang ideal, cinta yaitu sesuatu yang tidak terjamah dunia dan meterinya. Love is beyond time, space and it should be immateriality. Jadi jika kita mencintai seseorang, kita akan saling percaya dan mempercayainya based on no factual evidential or whatsoever dan itulah yang akan membawa kita pada sebuah cinta dimana kita akan mencintai seseor...

The Bee

The buzzing of the bee frightened my day. Zzzzz.... zzzzz.... Again, I closed my ear tightly. Zzzzzz.... zzzz.... But I still could hear it. Where are you?? Bee?? Something buzzing... I found nothing.. Zzzzz... zzzz... O I knew it, the Zzzzzz came from my mind, the Zzzzz it's you. The one I couldn't describe but Zzzzzz.

Tomorrow There's No Word

December 31st 2009. Last day of the year, the mist had almost dissolved by the rooster vote, but the day was still dark with low, oppressing clouds. The Sun hadn't appeared yet but the activities of human on earth in which the Sun always smiled at had just begun in a very early hour. They looked busy, unusually, like they were preparing something. Something important somewhat. Urgently, they undertook everything in a rush. What's happening? Alas, they're preparing for the day of tomorrow when there will be no more word in this world! What would happen if tomorrow come without word? What would it be? What would? The Sun finally rose after all, shyly, smiled at the earth while watching human behaved busily before he came. Well, he looked over there, right in the corner of the city marked as Geneva. The muted light of him on this another cloudy day eventually woke a girl from her sleep. When everybody was strenuously busy, she'd just waken up with her groggy and dazed feel...

At the Centre

Center/Periphery... What a binary opposition!! Everyone desires to posit a central, to fill the void. What happen at the centre??? "Longing for a center, an authorizing pressure, that spawns hierarchized oppositions. [Superior/Inferior]. The superior belongs to presence and the logos, the inferior serves to define its status and mark a fall" (Derridean qtd in Sarup 38)

Postmo for Dummies

The dummy writes for dummies about what postmodernism is. (Yup, that's me and...) Ketika itu saya berada dalam sebuah presentasi kelas yang membahas tentang postmodernism, well, kala itu saya bertanya pada yang empunya presentasi, "Apa bedanya modern n postmodern???" Saya yang saat itu sedang bingung bukan main (jujur aja karena emang gak menerapkan close reading) malah balik ditanya (sama dosennya pula) "Memang apa yang kamu ketahui tentang modern atau postmodern?" Saya nyengir kuda dan menjawab sekenanya, tapi ternyata jawaban saya gak salah-salah amat (meski gak begitu bener juga, hehehe) ya karena semuanya serba absurd: termasuk saya. Dan sekarang setelah saya melewati semua proses perkuliahan tersebut saya bukannya lebih tahu akan pertanyaan itu, justru saya balik mempertanyakan semua pertanyaan-perrtanyaan yang jawabannya... (halah entahlah). Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya menemukan harta karun, yang sudah agak berdebu, lusuh dan hampir robek (yup, buku), y...